Frequently asked questions
How I can get Aidian Academy into use?
Aidian Academy requires an annual agreement. Please contact the sales.
What is the Aidian Academy License Fee?
Every student needs a license (Cat. no. 154801) to access Aidian Academy elearning platform. Aidian Academy is accessed with a password.
What is the Aidian Academy Course Fee?
One course fee (Cat. no. 154802) allows all students who have license to enter one course. You are free to select a course or a combination of courses. You can easily add additional courses, also afterwards.
What is a coordinator?
For a large group of students, it is possible to add a coordinator role as an additional feature. The coordinator is a student from your own group who can add new students to your group, follow students’ progress in courses and receive information on issued certificates.
How I can access Aidian Academy?
Aidian Academy requires a license to access. After the service is taken into use, you shall receive an email from Admin User (via Aidian) with your username (email address), temporary password and link to the Aidian Academy. Please check your junk mail folder just in case the welcome email was delivered there.
Who can see my progress in courses?
The students do not see each other in Aidian Academy. Only if your group has a coordinator assigned, they can see your progress. Aidian Academy is GDPR compliant.